
Ultimately a Combine site is like any other static site. You can deploy it to a number of hosts or custom servers, often times for free.

A Google search will turn up lots of options, but here are a few:

Wherever you host it, the gist of deploying is running combine build and pointing the host to the <repo>/output directory.

On Netlify, for example, you can run these commands in their build environment which can leverage environment variables and a simple git-push-deploy workflow.

If you use netlify.toml, it would look like this:

<!-- netlify.toml -->
    publish = "output"
    command = "combine build"


One other thing to keep in mind for deploying is how redirects can be handled. You may not need them right off the bat, but eventually content will move and it would be ideal to do a proper 301/302 redirect.

On Netlify, this can again be set in netlify.toml:

<!-- netlify.toml -->
    publish = "output"
    command = "combine build"

    from = "/contact-us/"
    to = "/contact/"

If your host doesn't have redirects and you're ok with not having a true server-level redirect, then you can use Combine's HTML redirect template.