Code highlighting

Technical documentation (like this site) oftens requires highlighting code. Combine uses Pygments to do the highlighting and you can style it with CSS.

The available languages/lexers can be found here.

Highlighting code in HTML pages

Combine comes with a {% code %} tag that works just liked the fenced code blocks in Markdown.

<!-- (HTML) -->
{% code "python" %}
def test():
{% endcode %}

If your code sample uses Jinja-like syntax, then use the {% raw %} tag to avoid conflicts.

<!-- (HTML) -->
{% code "html" %}{% raw %}
{% code "python" %}
def test():
{% endcode %}
{% endraw %}{% endcode %}

Highlighting code in Markdown pages

In Markdown you can use fenced code blocks just like you're used to.

<!-- (Markdown) -->
def test():

Styling with CSS

To style it, you just need to add some CSS. Run combine utils highlight-css to output the CSS which can be copied and modified.