Build steps

Modern sites often come with build or compile steps for CSS and JavaScript.

Combine supports these workflows by integrating these commands directly into the build process.

In development, each build step can define a watch process that will run in the background during combine work:

# combine.yml
- run: "./node_modules/.bin/tailwind -i ./content/assets/_main.css -o ./output/assets/main.css"
  watch: "./node_modules/.bin/tailwind -i ./content/assets/_main.css -o ./output/assets/main.css --watch"

The run process will be used when building the production site, and it will also be used during combine work (after a full site rebuild) if no watch process is defined:

# combine.yml
- run: "./node_modules/.bin/pitchfork index output -c .content"

If you want the run process to be run after a specific file is modified during combine work, you can define a list of patterns and Combine will also re-run the run process when any of those files are modified:

# combine.yml
- run: "./node_modules/.bin/pitchfork index output -c .content"
    - "./content/*.html"
    - "./content/*.js"

Note that the run processes happen after combine has rendered the rest of your site. So when you are generating output, you are the one responsible for putting it in the end location you want it (i.e. ./output/css/main.css). This keeps the generated/compiled files out of your content directory which is tracked in git.

As you can see in the example, you'll often want to combine this with the ignored files feature to keep the source files out of your final build.